It is a trimester volunteering program; volunteers live in a single/double room in the eco lodge of FEKRA hosting could be with host families


his is a unique pilot program designed especially for those who want to: • Experience the life of an eco-farm • Engage in sustainable activities such as organic farming, green energy production, etc. • Explore and discover a new culture • Learn to live and enjoy life outside their comfort zones our new Sustainable Agriculture Abroad program. This is a unique pilot program designed especially for those who want to: • Experience the life of an eco-farm • Engage in sustainable activities such as organic farming • Explore and discover a new culture • Learn to live and enjoy life outside their comfort zones • Enhance intercultural communications skills • Get accustomed to making more decisions on their own • Enjoy amazing adventures with new friends from around the world • Try out new sports and unfamiliar activities • Meet Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2 or Global Goal 2), which aims to achieve “zero hunger”. The official wording is: “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture” Sustainable Agriculture Abroad is a partnership with Fekra Cultural Center (Fekra in Arabic means thought/idea) located on 40,000sq.m. of land next to the Nile coves and opposite the island of the Philae Temple in Aswan in Southern Egypt. A large portion of the land is cultivated with bio-products such as mangoes, lemons, bananas, dates, figs and various vegetables for Fekra’s use or to sell at the local market. Aswan lies at 109 m above sea level. Aswan has a desert climate and there is virtually no rainfall during the year. In Aswan, the summers are long, sweltering, and arid; the winters are short, cool, and dry; and it is mostly clear year-round. During the program, the temperature typically varies from 23 °C to 39°C. This volunteer program is especially suitable for age 18+ with an open mind to share and learn. We are very flexible with the starting dates Other Activities: Volunteers can get reconnected to earth by meditating during morning and afternoon hours, swimming in the River Nile, fishing, and bird watching (September to April). Volunteer Tasks (could be one or more of the tasks below) 1. Volunteer on the eco farm i.e. participate in organic gardening, environmentally friendly construction/design projects 2. Work with art and educational programs for the children living in and around the community. 3. Update the website and Facebook page when needed 4. Teach locals English to strengthen cultural exchange