years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence

Experience what Finland’s reputed school system has to offer, and discover the beauty of Nordic nature and its four seasons. Immerse yourself in Finnish culture and language!

AFS students live with host families and get to know Finnish culture, traditions and language (in a few cases, the Swedish language) firsthand. Students attend local high schools and most students have a chance to attend a formal ball/prom in February. Finnish high schools have a broad selection of courses to choose from, ranging from languages and humanities to sciences and arts. While Finnish schools generally do not have many extracurricular activities, AFSers may find hobbies in organized sports clubs and the like.


Eligibility Requirements

  • Born between Jan 1, 2006 – Dec. 12, 2008
  • Good Knowledge of English is a must.
  • Additional 800 euros will be paid for digital education license by the student while on program.

What's included in your experience

  • Host Family Placement
  • Meals
  • School Placement
  • Individual Contact Person
  • Medical Insurance
  • 24/7 Emergency Support
  • Pre-Departure Orientation
  • Orientations during your time abroad
  • Re-entry Orientation
  • Continuous Support

What you are responsible for

  • Airfare
  • Visa and Passport Fees
  • Stipend

How to apply?

  1. Download the application from here.
  2. Print the application and fill it  (instructions are in the application)
  3. Scan  the filled application and the attachments and send it via email to

For further information about the program or how to apply, please contact us:


Phone: 01060770788 – 0238830181/2